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Updated: Jul 26, 2021

Slotters, as the Summer of Freedom begins, could staff shortages put bay to your gaming at your favourite arcade?

A combination of existing staff self isolating and serious staffing shortages is preventing many businesses in the amusements industry from taking full advantage of the freedoms granted by the government

Responsibility for policy on face masks and social distancing has now been handed over to operators, but even leaders of the industry – such as former Bacta president and Funstation managing director James Miller – are having a hard time finding enough staff to keep doors open.

“Its somewhat ironic that we’ve all eagerly awaited the lifting of restrictions for some time, yet now it’s here it’s throwing up other greater problems,” explained Miller. “The Covid measures we’ve all put in since reopening have been robust and effective. However the main concern is staffing levels, currently it’s difficult enough to recruit staff as many simply don’t want to work and with rising infections due to new variants, our biggest problem is staff having to isolate due to positive contacts outside of the work environment.”

The effect this is having, Miller continued, is that operators are struggling to maintain enough staff to run shifts, and “being able to stay open is proving very challenging indeed”.

Worse still, Miller sees higher infection rates on the horizon, leading to what he believes is a “incredibly ironic” situation.

“Although more than a half of the population have been vaccinated and all restrictions lifted, we end up having to close some venues as we simply aren’t able to staff them, due to any staff we have having to self-isolate,” he said, adding “some freedom that is!”

While Miller has been “in agreement with the majority of measures” the government has implemented throughout the unlocking period, he believes handing over responsibility for policy to operators may be a mistake – and that another month of restrictions might possibly prevent a looming rise in infections by increasing vaccination rates sufficiently.

“I think they are veering way off course asking people to use their ‘common sense’. This is somewhat short sighted as anyone who as ever worked with the public would agree I’m sure,” he concluded.

“I would have liked them to keep the existing measures for another four weeks at least to see if it slowed rates while more people could be vaccinated. The key being more people who are vaccinated should not then need to self isolate if they come into contact with someone who has tested positive.”

For now, however, while further freedoms will continue to be bestowed on operators come 19 July, it will take many businesses some time longer for freedom to truly be achieved.

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Remember we are currently running a competition where we are giving away a free hotel room for August 21st Caesars Palace Summer Spectacular. Tonight sees the first room being given away, so don’t miss out and tune it to the Reel-verse slots YouTube channel at 10pm and watch our Hairy Slotters carefully for your ch ace to win. You will be put up in one of Westons fantastic hotels so that you can attend THE EVENT of summer. There is an all day BBQ, free bucket dash and over £1000 will be given away!

We are also building up to Onetec’s Birthday Bonanza on September 18th, with more details to follow in the coming weeks, but needless to say you don’t want to miss either of these amazing events!

Are you ready to play? Remember our very own Hairy Slotters will be there doing a live tour on the Reel-verse Slots YouTube channel at both events! . Subscribe and turn on those notifications for when our gruesome twosome are let loose across the UK’s best arcades.

Here at Reel World Slots, we’ve got your summer covered

Until next time Slotters -May the odds be ever in your favour.

The Shuff

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